The Founders

In 2016, the Henss family embarked on their journey into foster care by welcoming a 13-month-old girl into their home. During the year she spent with them, they became more involved in the world of foster care. However, they also realized the many needs within the foster care system.

After their foster daughter left their home, the Henss family still wanted to do more for other children in foster care. So, they worked as a family to find a way to do just that.

Their conversations with the Arizona Department of Child Safety led them to focus on providing foster children with brand-new tennis shoes. They quickly learned that many of these kids had never owned a brand-new pair of shoes, and many needed shoes that fit properly, as they were either too small or too big.

However, the Henss family didn’t stop at shoes. They decided that with every pair of shoes they gave, they would also provide a tote bag for the child’s belongings and a personalized note to encourage them and remind them that they are more than their circumstances.

The Henss family is committed to continuing their efforts to support foster care kids, one pair of shoes at a time. Their goal is to ensure each child knows they are heard, known, and loved!